

Fill out the Puppy Application, and please give us 2 – 3 days to respond.


An interview is scheduled to determine if you would be a good fit.


NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is needed to secure a spot on the waitlist


A puppy pick-up is scheduled when your puppy is at least 10 weeks old.



Once your application has been reviewed and accepted you will be contacted for a phone interview.  The phone interview is intended to be relaxed and casual.  It offers us an opportunity to get to know each other as well as determine if you are a good fit for one of our puppies and what type of puppy you feel would best suit you or your family. This is a great opportunity for you to ask us all of your questions and we might have more questions for you as well.


This is a great opportunity for you to ask us questions, and for us to get to know you as well as the type of puppy that you are looking for.