

Fill out the Puppy Application, and please give us 2 – 3 days to respond.


An interview is scheduled to determine if you would be a good fit. 


NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is needed to secure a spot on the waitlist


A puppy pick-up is scheduled when your puppy is at least 10 weeks old.

puppy adoption



Fill out our puppy inquiry form! Completing the questionnaire does not guarantee that you will be approved for a puppy but it does initiate a conversation with us and tell us more about what you are looking for in a puppy.  

We respond to everyone who fills out our inquiry form within 2-3 days. Please note that we reserve the right to deny anyone at any time if we feel that they’re not a good fit for one of our puppies.

Puppy Applicatoin

risk free

Filling out the application doesn’t mean you are locked into adopting a puppy, nor are you guaranteed a puppy from us. This is the first step for us to get to know each other.